Two months before Christmas, one year ago, I had the opportunity of meeting Lynne Bright, a talented young lady with great artistic vision. During our initial conversation that evening, I quickly realized a woman with a heart of gold who could enrapture a room with her smile all the while being your best audience! Discovering we both enjoyed creating, we began an adventure.
Living in Florida has many attributes and among them, the ocean. During our first outing to the beach, we collected shells, as Lynne was creating beautiful unique shell boxes, not like what you or I would ever think of, I mean “crazy creative, fun, I gotta have one” boxes. Shortly thereafter we began building a Christmas Tree using oyster shells.
We ordered foam cones from Universal foam Co. My husband built the stands (base) and Lynne and I gathered the shells. After securing the base to the foam, we began applying the shells starting at the bottom. Well about one third of the way up, we knew this was going to be good, maybe even great (no this was not an invention by Alexander Graham Bell but these days, we are easily humored)!
Fifty seven trees later, she has secured and incorporated her business name, Cottage House U.S.A, Inc! Her business e-mail [email protected] & web-site http://cottagehouseusainc.vpweb.com will be available within the month!
Sprayed and glittered with gold and silver, standing 34 to 35″in height x 12″ in width, the trees are magical with all the sugarplums, fairies and dreams of wishes that go with Christmas.
By Trisha Chance